The Journey Begins

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Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


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Artist, Yogi, Healer, Teacher, Motivator, Seeker who follows her heart. I’ve Learned to Dance in the Winds Of Change, and to stand naked in the midst of chaos. May my voice be a beacon to those seeking that certain something that resonates in a place that longs to live a fuller, richer life. May my own journey inspire! If I can reach this place of healing after all I have faced, survived, and overcome, ANYONE CAN!!

4 thoughts on “The Journey Begins”

  1. Excellent idea ! I will learn how to juggle your blog. I never wanted to put myself on a blog. There is more than … 😅😉


  2. Lisa, you are a natural born teacher, healer via words and song. Your insights will help transform lives. Your blog is going to resonate with so many. It’s Time!


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